
JavaScript is one of the oldest programming languages, dating back to 1995. Yes! It is mostly older than most people you know and probably older than you are (so give it some respect, always respect your elders :-)). It has survived the test of time and seen most of it's comraded come and go. Unequivocally, it is the ultimate candidate when it comes to nominees for Programming languages of the decade. With that said, it is safe to say that JavaScript, aka JS is here to stay and thus you should be familiar with it like the back of your hand. Aside from being the mother of most frontend frameworks like Angular, React and Vuew to mention but a few, it is also a robust and widely used backend Programming language with the likes of Node JS, Next JS. Wait, did you know that you can also make games with it? Yeah Kaboom JS!

Destructure JavaScript Object With Defaults

You can really simplify your access to your JavaScript objects by using this simple method to destructure JavaScript object with defaults.

Jun 20, 2023

Views 27

Get Index Of Item In JavaScript For Of Loop

In a few lines of code, you will see how easy it is to get an item’s index in JavaScript For Of Loop. Let’s do this!

Jun 16, 2023

Views 34

How To Provide Optional Property In JavaScript Object.

Let’s see how we can have JavaScript object optional property in a few lines of code. This can be really helpful, especially when you want to be concise as possible.

Jun 14, 2023

Views 9

Using Parameters In JavaScript Regex With Replace Or Replace All

Well, at times we want to pass parameters in JavaScript regex, but it feels intimidating, well, it should not be. Let’s see how we do this in few lines of code!

Jun 12, 2023

Views 48

JavaScript Null And Undefined Explained Using Car Parking Example

Yeah, JavaScript Null And Undefined are oftentimes used interchangeably. So, how about we demystify these two, by using a typical car parking lot!

Jun 10, 2023

Views 21

Using multidimensional array in JavaScript

One of the most common JavaScript objects we will always work with are arrays, and to be specific, multidimensional array in JavaScript.

Jun 7, 2023

Views 104

How to use JavaScript promises or Typescript promises

JavaScript promises are important when the data we need is not immediately available. We will use a simple John and Jane birthday pact for this article.

Jun 7, 2023

Views 135

javascript promise vs javascript observable – what is the difference?

Data that you need for your application will not be available immediately. This is where the javascript promise vs javascript observable come in.

Jun 7, 2023

Views 244

How to remove an item from a JavaScript array in 5 ways

There are many ways to remove items from a JavaScript array. In this piece, we will look at 5 ways to do this.

Jun 7, 2023

Views 133

How to create a javascript array of random numbers

It is very easy to create a javascript array of random numbers. We will use a few methods for this and a few lines of code to have this going!

Jun 7, 2023

Views 329